Adsense, The Great Secret
Why are there so many Adsense sites but so few are really successful?
What is the great secret to huge earnings with Adsense? The truth is, there is no great secret.
Let us look at adsense from the top.
Adsense pays you a percentage of money for each click that you generate on your website. Which brings us to two very important facts that few seem to realize when building their adsense websites.
You need traffic to click on your adsense ads.
Your ads must be relevant to the search of the visitor.
Why are there so many Adsense sites but so few are really successful?
What is the great secret to huge earnings with Adsense? The truth is, there is no great secret.
Let us look at adsense from the top.
Adsense pays you a percentage of money for each click that you generate on your website. Which brings us to two very important facts that few seem to realize when building their adsense websites.
You need traffic to click on your adsense ads.
Your ads must be relevant to the search of the visitor.
Lets dissect them one at a time.
You can create adsense sites with software, buy pre-built sites, use PLR and so on. This is a nice quick fix to solve your problem of generating adsense income, or so many seem to think.
Most of the time you will have wasted your time and money. It would have been much better spent taking the dog for a walk or doing the dishes.
For an adsense site to be successful it needs visitors, many visitors. If you have just put up a new site it will mean you have not been indexed neither do you have any page ranking. Your 2000 page pre-built website at this moment in time means nothing. Don't forget that a thousand or so others have followed the same route as you, some before and some after, quite a bit of duplicate content don't you think?
Lets move on. The search engines have come by and your pages are now indexed after two or three months.
Suddenly to your great surprise for the next month you have a total of two clicks, or worse none whatsoever. Four months down the line becomes six and still the results remain the same.
Fortunately you do not need to feel alone, there are many who have done exactly the same thing with the same results. But from your perspective the internet sucks and there are only a few who will make money and the multitudes of others will buy their products.
Sorry to tell you the truth, you are wrong. If you went about building your adsense empire with a plan, and not a quick fix, things would be quite different. But we all still love quick fixes and buy them, so there is no need to feel bad.
Building your adsense site takes careful planning. You can do it as a new site, subdirectory or implement it on your current site.
The very first thing that you must do, and I cannot stress this enough, is keyword research.
It is a long and arduous task and does take a lot of time and thinking to get to the right keywords. It is the life or death of your site. You can have the best optimized pages around, but if you chose the wrong keywords you will never be seen.
The wrong choices would be keywords that are never searched for or the competition is so high that you will be competing against many high ranking websites, and your pages will just get lost in the maze.
Only when you have your keywords in place is it time to develop your content. You should try to create as many of these pages yourself. Now you are not able to write one thousand pages all by yourself but if you write one page a week, by the end of the year you will have 52 unique pages, that is what the search engines are looking for. Your pages need not be long 400 to 600 words are fine as long as the content is relevant, but we will get to that now.
If you are just starting your site you can mix up your pages with articles, PLR content and your own, but do create your own unique content as often as you can.
Now lets look at relevance.
If a visitor lands on your page from a search engine result he must find your content relevant to his search, otherwise he will leave as quickly as he came. He will not be clicking one of your adsense ads either to his next destination.
Why not?
Your adsense ads on your page will be reflective of your content, not his search, which means they will have no meaning to him whatsoever. That is why it is so important to have relevant content to your keywords, that is what brings the visitor, keeps him on the site and gets him to click an adsense ad when he leaves.
Placement of ads and the way they appear have been proven to increase or decrease CTR. Unfortunately this information is only obtainable through research over a period of time. You have to use different formats and placements on different pages and track each ad separately to establish which work best.
But the internet is constantly changing, and what is working now will not necessarily be working in six months to a year, so unless you have been doing the research yourself over a period of time and finding the right information at the right time, you will have to pay to get your adsense working effectively and profitably.
This is the great secret to successful adsense pages, it is nothing more than research information as to what is working best at this time. The information is gathered through persistent testing, tracking, more testing and tracking until the right combinations are found and then doing it all over again. The secret is finding and using the information first.