Why Sanjaya Stayed So Long

    Why Sanjaya Stayed So Long

    With so many extremely talented singers on the show, it was a wonder for many people exactly how Sanjaya managed to stay for so long.  The sheer fact was that the boy could really sing, this combined with their talent and skills enabled most people to eagerly support the young boy.  It was not until after a short period of time in the finals that it becomes rather obvious that Sanjaya simply was not interested in winning anymore.  Something deep inside changed and learning exactly how he was going to get out of the show is what started making things interesting.

    In the beginning, people watched Sanjaya simply for the benefit of watching him sing and perform.  As everyone knows, people were all interested in his actual singing ability for the longest time.  After a brief period, it became less about his singing ability and much more on the outrageous hairstyles, and even strange outfits that he would choose to wear.  Somewhere along the line, the importance of his performances started shifting and the amazingly talented young boy turned into the joke of the show.  The overall Sanjaya incident was incredible for American Idol though.

    If you consider all of the people that watched to vote for him because they remembered how great he was before, added together with all of the people who tuned in to watch him see what crazy antics he would pull for each episode it equaled up to an enormous ratings boost for Idol.  Sites like VoteForTheWorst.com also had a true field day with Sanjaya as well.  With continuous cries to keep Sanjaya around he managed to last for a very long time before finally receiving the boot.

    If you were truly honest, you would have to admit that the young boy could sing.  However, watching performances that were less about his singing and more on his song selection, hairstyle and even clothes was much more entertaining for the audience.  Plus, his little quips back and forth with Simon and the other judges certainly helped to increase viewers as well while people were watching to see exactly what he would say to Simon next.

    With an adorably lovable quality to him, his draw from teenage girls was instantly noticeable.  He seemed to be the easily approachable guy that they could all dream about.  This combined with his bad boy charm added to his appeal even more.  With all of his talent and his unique flair for extremely creative haircuts, it was obvious that Sanjaya was enjoying flirting with getting kicked off the show.  Regardless of what happened to change his mind about winning, it was a very fun ride watching him survive as long as he did.

    The biggest downside to Sanjaya going so far into the competition was the truly talented contestants who did still want to win that took a hit for him.  While the adorable pony hawk style was extremely cute, I am sure those contestants thrown off for him to stay certainly would not find it so adorable.  As he proceeds on with his life, he has started to slip back into obscurity, and likely will stay there.  With very few options coming his way for a recording contract, it seems unlikely that you can go to a store and pick up a copy of his latest album.

    As time goes on and the show continues, it is only a matter of time before a new season of American Idol finds a contestant like Sanjaya.  Full of life and talent, but for some reason decides to throw it all away and move in a much more unconventional direction.  With so many people trying to become the next American Idol, it is only a matter of time before someone else tries his tricks, we can only hope that they will manage to be just as entertaining and keep us excited and longing for more.  If time is any indication the show will have plenty of bad singers, so the rare singer who can actually make it but chooses to get kicked off is rare enough to once again draw the attention of the world.


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