Hypoglycemia and Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Prolonged exposure to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) will cause long-term
damage to your body. But hypoglycemia, low blood sugars, can cause immediate
harmful effects including a diabetic coma. It is important to be able to recognize the
signs when your blood sugar is too low and to carry emergency supplies to rectify the
People will react and show different symptoms when their blood glucose levels are too
low. They can include some or all of the following:
* Feeling hungry
* Feeling nervous or panicked
* Feeling light-headed or dizzy
* Weakness or lethargy (wanting to go to sleep)
* You may be confused, having difficulty speaking or stringing thoughts together.
Once you have experienced hypoglycemia a few times you will begin to recognize the
signals your body will give you when you need more food in your body. It is important
to check you blood sugar with your monitor and have something right away that will act
immediately to raise your blood sugars. Hard candies or glucose tablets work fast and are
easy to have on you at all times. In case you are not able to help yourself, carry
something that identifies you as a diabetic and instructions of what to do and who to call
if you need assistance.
Once you have eaten something, test your blood sugar again in 15 minutes to make sure
that it is going back to a normal range. You will want to have a snack or a meal too as
the burst of sugar will not be long lasting.
By eating small and frequent meals every two to three hours you can lessen the chances
of having hyperglycemia. Another safety precaution that should be taken includes eating
prior to exercising and afterwards to keep up your energy level.