The Dangers of Storm Chasing

The Dangers of Storm Chasing
Do you enjoy watching severe weather unfold?  If so, you may be interested in taking up storm chasing, either as a career or as a hobby.  Storm chasing is defined as the pursuit of severe weather.  This severe weather most commonly includes tornadoes,
but many storm chasers often observe, photograph, and film thunderstorms, floods, hail, and hurricanes.

While storm chasers have a wide range of reasons for doing what they do, you will find that many love the excitement.  For many, storm chasing, especially in severe weather, acts as a rush.  With that in mind, there are other storm chasers who do so for the amazing pictures and video documentation they are able to get.  These pictures and videos may be kept for personal use and viewing only or they may be sold to new organizations or weather agencies.  In fact, the money is another one of the many reasons why storm chasing is a popular activity.

As previously stated, there are a number of different reasons why you may wish to become a storm chaser, either for personal or professional purposes.  With that in mind, it is also important to focus on the dangers.  As exciting as storm chasing can be, it is important to remember that danger does exist.  In fact, storm chasing is considered one of the most potentially dangerous activities enjoyed by many. 

One of the many dangers that surround storm chasing is the situations that you may find yourself in.  It is important to remember that the weather is unpredictable.  The weather can, literally, change at a moments notice.  This is particularly the case with tornadoes and tornadoes are the most sought after weather events by storm chasers.  This means that you and other storm chasers are always at risk.

Speaking of risks, you maybe curios as to exactly what those risk are.  Generally speaking, you will find that it all depends on what type of weather is being sought after.  For instance, if tornadoes are the storm of choice, you will find that there are an unlimited number of risks.  When in the middle of a super cell thunderstorm just about any cloud in the area has the ability to spurn a tornado. This means that you are never safe.  If you are unexpectedly caught inside a tornado, serious injury and death is always a possibility.

As for hail storms, the risks also depend on the storm in question, as well as your location.  For example, cities and towns in the Midwest are more likely to experience severe hailstorms.  These hailstorms have the possibility to damage your vehicle, including your windshield.  That is why if you do plan to storm chase hailstorms, it is important that you do so safely and in the proper vehicle.

Although there are an unlimited number of risks associated with storm chasing, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t an activity that you shouldn’t enjoy.  With that in mind, it is important to remember that not everyone is the ideal candidate for storm chasing.  Since storm chasers often find themselves in unpredictable situations, they need to be quick on their feet and be good at solving difficult, unexpected problems.  If these are qualities that do not describe you, you may want to enjoy the weather from inside the safety and comfort of your own home.

In addition to having good reflexes and good problem solving skills, storm chasers are always urged to prepare.  Having a plan in place, for all types of situations, is the best way to safely enjoy storm chasing, whether it be for a career or a hobby.  Storm chasers are advised against entering into severe weather without constant weather updates.  These weather updates may be able to come from a portable television or wireless internet, a weather radio, or a traditional news radio station.

If, after taking the above mentioned points into consideration, storm chasing is still an activity you would like to enjoy, it is advised that you start developing a plan.  Storm chasing is always best with another individual, as well the proper equipment.


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