The Effects of Smoking with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
Smoking on its own is associated with many different diseases and can be a risk factor for
multiple types of cancer. But in a person with diabetes or a pre-diabetic there are specific
risks that arise. There are some differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and
smoking hazards.
In type 1 diabetes, smoking is not a risk factor for being diagnoses because people with
this type of diabetes were born with the genetic make-up to get the disease. But smoking
can exacerbate the complications associated with poorly controlled diabetes. An
increased risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems is found in diabetic smokers.
In type 1 diabetics who smoke the risk for kidney disease or kidney failure is increased.
In pre-diabetics or people who may be at higher risk to develop type 2 diabetes smoking
is a contributing factor to a diagnosis. Smoking increases the likelihood that their body
will develop an insulin resistance and need insulin injections or medication in the future.
There are not many studies that have been conducted on the benefits of quitting smoking
if you are a diabetic. But it does stand to reason that because smoking and diabetes both
increase the chances of heart disease that by quitting smoking you will improve your
health and the state of your diabetes.
If you are having trouble quitting on your own or want more information on the benefits
of stopping, make an appointment with your doctor. There are many aids that are
available as well as support your can utilize to help you in the process. There are nicotine
patches and gum or you can try medication or hypnosis. It is a hard thing to do but you
will reap many rewards both financially and in terms of your overall health and life