Weather and Global Warming

Weather and Global Warming
Do you use the internet, watch television, or listen to the radio?  If you do, you have likely heard of global warming before.  In recent years, global warming has been a topic that has increased in popularity.  
Although global warming is a theory that is widely debated, it may still be of great concern to you.

When it comes to global warming, there are many individuals who wonder about the affects it will have on the planet.  More specifically, many are wondering how global warming will impact our weather.  If this is a concern of yours, you will want to continue reading on.

Before focusing on ways that global warming may impact the planet and its weather, it is important to know what global warming is.  Global warming is the phrase that is used to describe the gradual warming of the planet.  This rise in temperature is due in part to greenhouse gases.  Due to the phrase “global warming,” many individuals automatically assume that our temperatures will become hotter.  While this will ring true in some cases, the phrase “global warming,” can also be a little bit misleading.

When it comes to global warming, the rise in temperatures, due to green house gases, gradually raises the earth’s temperature.  Although this temperature rise will result in the melting of land masses of ice and snow and it may result in multiple droughts, that is not all that you will see.  Global warming, according to many, creates instability in our weather.  Yes, one area may see droughts due to global warming, but on the other side of the world, another area may see record breaking flooding.  The same can be said for cold and warm temperatures. 

As previously stated, global warming is a topic that is surrounded by a lot of debate.  Perhaps, this is due in part to its name.  As previously stated, the phrase “global warming,” can be misleading, at least in terms of temperature.  If you are looking for more information on global warming, as well as the affects it may have on the environment, you will find that you have a number of different options.  For starters, you may want to turn to the internet.

When using the internet to learn more about global warming and the influences it can have on our weather, you will want to perform a standard internet search.  When doing so, it may be a good idea to search with the phrase “global warming and the weather,” or another similar phrase.  Your internet search is likely to lead you to online research websites.  These websites are ones that often tend to compile reports and graphs from meteorologists and other scientists.

In addition to using the internet to learn more about global warming and the weather, you may want to turn to your television.  As the debate on global warming continues to grow, you are likely to see more television programs and newscast that cover global warming. You can also rent or buy DVDs that cover the issue of global warming, such as Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth documentary.
As outlined above, global warming will have an impact on the weather.  While the biggest impact may not be seen for years to come, you are likely to notice small changes in the weather right now.  These changes may be erratic temperatures or weather storms with stronger intensities.


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