What is Type 2 Diabetes
Where type 1 diabetics do not produce enough insulin for their body, type 2 diabetics
produce the insulin but their bodies are not make proper use of it. Type 2 diabetes has
been linked to lifestyle choices as a large number of people who are diagnosed are
considered overweight or obese. The extra weight a person carries around can make it
hard for the body to process insulin properly.
Some additional risk factors for being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes include a family
connections (a first or second generation family member) and race. Even with these risk
factors present a person can prevent out put-off a diagnosis off type 2 diabetes by losing
weight, eating a healthy diet, and plenty of physical activity.
Type 2 diabetes has in the past been diagnosed in patients over the age of 40 but in recent
years people of all ages have been diagnosed with this disease. There is an alarming
number of young children who are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who are obese.
People who have not yet been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes may exhibit some of these
symptoms: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and skin infections. Moodiness and
irritability may also be a symptom of diabetes but is usually not one that precipitates a
trip to the doctor and is later explained by high or low blood sugar levels. Other warning
signs for type 2 diabetes are the same as type 1 diabetes such as an increased need to
urinate, a desire to drink more and a feel of lethargy or constant tiredness.
Type 2 diabetics have a range of options for treatment depending on personal preference
and their individual needs in contrast to type 1 diabetics whose only option is to go on
insulin injections or an insulin pump.
Where type 1 diabetics do not produce enough insulin for their body, type 2 diabetics
produce the insulin but their bodies are not make proper use of it. Type 2 diabetes has
been linked to lifestyle choices as a large number of people who are diagnosed are
considered overweight or obese. The extra weight a person carries around can make it
hard for the body to process insulin properly.
Some additional risk factors for being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes include a family
connections (a first or second generation family member) and race. Even with these risk
factors present a person can prevent out put-off a diagnosis off type 2 diabetes by losing
weight, eating a healthy diet, and plenty of physical activity.
Type 2 diabetes has in the past been diagnosed in patients over the age of 40 but in recent
years people of all ages have been diagnosed with this disease. There is an alarming
number of young children who are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who are obese.
People who have not yet been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes may exhibit some of these
symptoms: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and skin infections. Moodiness and
irritability may also be a symptom of diabetes but is usually not one that precipitates a
trip to the doctor and is later explained by high or low blood sugar levels. Other warning
signs for type 2 diabetes are the same as type 1 diabetes such as an increased need to
urinate, a desire to drink more and a feel of lethargy or constant tiredness.
Type 2 diabetics have a range of options for treatment depending on personal preference
and their individual needs in contrast to type 1 diabetics whose only option is to go on
insulin injections or an insulin pump.